Niagara Falls 100.000-Hp. Development
Forfatter: J. Allen Johnson, G.W. Hewitt, W.J. Foster, R.B. Williamson, F.D. Newbury, Louis S. Bernstein, O.D. Dales, W.M. White, Lewis F. Moody, George R. Shepard, John L. Harper
År: 1920
Sider: 46
UDK: 621.209 H Gl. Sm.
DOI: 10.48563/dtu-0000095
Reprinted from Electrical World and Engineering News-Record
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Niagara Falls 1 00,000 Hp. Development
[ 43
combined into one and pass through a set of choke coils
for lightning protection. The “disconnects” and choke
coils are installed on the third floor of the connecting
passageway in brick compartments. The lightning ar-
i'esters, which are connected immediately outside of the
disconnecting switches, are on the roof of the passage.
After leaving the choke coils the leads enter two
1,250,000-circ.-mil lead-covered cables in parallel which
pass down the outer wall of the passage to the subway,
thence across and up to the first floor of the unit bay.
Here they emerge from the cables through potheads
and connect to copper bars, which then pass through
current transformers. Immediately above the current
transformers are disconnecting switches above which
the circuit divides, one side going through an oil circuit
breaker to the main bus, the other side through a
similar breaker to the unit reserve bus. In each bay-
provision is made for six outgoing feeders. Each of
these connects to the main bus through an oil circuit
breaker and to the reserve bus through disconnecting
switches. The function of the reserve bus is twofold—
(1) it serves as a true reserve bus from which all
feeders can be supplied temporarily through the reserve-
bus switch in case it is desired to clear the main bus
for any purpose; (2) the reserve-bus switch serves as a
substitute switch for any individual feeder switch which
may be out of service. In this manner duplication of
the switching facilities is obtained without duplication
of oil switches on each feeder. XjX
Provision is made for the in- Static Surge \
stallation of reactors between Arres*x&/ \
bays and these will be installed I § \
as soon as they are required. |
Cross - Section through Structure
(Lookinq South)
Oil Switches.—Owing to the great importance of this
station in the general scheme of distribution, both pres-
ent and future, it was determined to insure the greatest
possible degree of reliability in the oil switches. Ac-
cordingly both of the chief manufacturers were asked
for a recommendation on this basis, resulting in the
proposal of two radically different types of oil switches,
namely, the Westinghouse type CO-2 and the General
Electric type H-9. Owing to the absence of operating
experience with these switches, it was found impossible
to establish definitely the superiority of either one over
the other, and it was decided so to construct the station
Second Floor Plan
that either one could be used. This was accomplished
by slight modifications in the standard assembly of both
types, and it was decided to install at the start a number
of each type in order that actual operating experience
might be had with both.
The General Electric switch is assembled with the
oil pots staggered and all connections brought out at
the back of the switch with center-to-center spacing of
9 ft. (2.7 m.) between adjacent switches.
In the case of the Westinghouse switches the same
spacing of terminals was accomplished by a special
design spreading the leads apart above the oil pots
before passing through the wall. Thus an arrangement
was arrived at whereby both of these radically different
types of circuit breaker could be installed in the same
width with the terminals equally spaced, so that either
type of switch can in future be substituted for the
other, should the type installed prove inadequate. Of
the five bays, four are equipped with Westinghouse
type CO-2 circuit breakers and one with General Elec-
tric type H-9.
Safety Features.—Objection has sometimes been
made to this type of construction—in which the oil
switches and their corresponding “disconnects” are
placed upon opposite sides of a solid wall—that it is
possible for the operator to open the wrong “discon-
nects” by mistake. This error may occur in two
ways—either he may select the wrong group of “dis-
connects” or he may accidently get one “disconnect”
on an adjacent oil switch. In this installation both of
these errors have been made impossible by the follow-
ing means:
First, the doors covering the disconnecting switches
are all hinged at one side and all six doors associated
with each oil switch are fastened together by a wooden
bar which is hinged to their free edges. Thus, when
it is desired to obtain access to the “disconnects” asso-
ciated with a circuit breaker, all of the six doors are
operated together. It is therefore impossible for an
operator to obtain access to a “disconnect” of an ad-
jacent circuit breaker.
Second, there is attached to each circuit breaker a
shaft extending through the building wall carrying on
its inside end a short cross-bar. When this bar is
in a horizontal position it engages the edge of one of
the disconnecting-switch compartment doors in such
a way that the group of doors cannot be opened. This
device is so connected to the oil-switch mechanism that
it occupies this position when the oil switch is closed.