Niagara Falls 100.000-Hp. Development
Forfatter: J. Allen Johnson, G.W. Hewitt, W.J. Foster, R.B. Williamson, F.D. Newbury, Louis S. Bernstein, O.D. Dales, W.M. White, Lewis F. Moody, George R. Shepard, John L. Harper
År: 1920
Sider: 46
UDK: 621.209 H Gl. Sm.
DOI: 10.48563/dtu-0000095
Reprinted from Electrical World and Engineering News-Record
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Niagara Falls 100,000 H p. Development
nel about 200 ft. (60 m.) in width was dug from the
company’s inlet outward to the edge of the ice line.
Commencing at the intersection of this channel with
the ice line, a series of piers were built, running up-
stream in the general direction of the ice line but grad-
ually working in toward the shore. Floating booms
were placed from pier to pier. About half way between
this row of piers and the shore another row was placed,
extending in the same direction and supporting floating
booms in the same manner as the outer row. See Fig. 10.
This system has been in operation through one ex-
ceptionally severe winter and has proved entirely satis-
factory. The booms have kept out the ice floating down
the river, and what small amounts actually formed inside
the booms have been broken up from time to time in
small quantities by the company’s ice-breaking tugs and
allowed to flow down the canal, where they were disposed
of through the spillway gates.
Prior to this extension the canal was 100 ft. (30 m.)
in width and varied in depth at the high-water period
of the year from 15 ft. to 22 ft. (4.5 m. to 6.6 m.). In
order to get sufficient water through the canal to run
the added equipment it was necessary to enlarge the
cross section. The canal runs through the most thickly-
settled portion of the city, and it was impossible to
acquire property rights to widen the canal, so that the
only possible thing to do was to deepen it. Drilling,
blasting and dredging seemed to be the only practical
method, although the proximity of large buildings
introduced an element of risk which made extreme cau-
tion necessary.
The canal is spanned by eight bridges, having a clear-
ance above the water surface of from 6 ft. to 15 ft.
(1.8 m. to 4.5 m.), which prohibited the use of the
ordinary type of dredge, but the long experience of the
company’s general superintendent with this class of
work had evolved a dredge model that accomplished the
work without any undue difficulty.
Selection of Wheels
The experience of the power company in former de-
velopments led to the adoption in 1906 of the horizontal-
shaft units for the plant then being designed. How-
ever, in 1916, when most of the preliminary engineering
on the present extension was undertaken, the Kingsbury
and General Electric thrust bearings had reached a stage
of perfection that eliminated the engineering problem in
connection with the supporting of the weight of the
rotating parts of the unit. These mechanical difficulties
having been eliminated, the efficiency of the unit be-
came the deciding factor, and the vertical units were
used as offering the best opportunity for the develop-
ment of a high efficiency. This type also made possible
a vertical discharge and eliminated one 90 deg. bend
in the draft tube.
Furthei'more the surface elevation of the water in the
lower river fluctuates through a vertical range of about
30 ft. (9 m.), so that the vertical design of unit
offered the only means of getting the waterwheel run-
ner low enough to get the full benefit of the low-water
stages and at the same time have the electrical ma-
chinery high enough to be safe from damage during
high-water stages. The available head obtained by this
arrangement varied from 210 ft. to 220 ft. (64 m. to
m.), the mean being 215 ft. (QO m-)«
Having determined the head, the maximum safe
specific speed for the Francis type of runner was at
A__Subdivison of expenses for entire extension, including- power plant, transmission and substations. B—Subdivision of investment
in buildings. C—Subdivision of investment in hydraulic equipment. D—subdivision of investment in electrical equipment for
entire extension. The low engineering expense was due to employing men who were thoroughly familiar with existing conditions and
who were thoroughly experienced along lines for which they were responsible. Note that the waterways constituted over 31 per
cent of total investment.