Concrete Roads
and Their Construction

År: 1920

Serie: Concrete Series

Forlag: Concrete Publications Limited

Sted: London

Sider: 197

UDK: 625.8 Con-gl.

Being a Description of the concrete Roads in the United Kingdom, together with a Summary of the Experience in this Form of Construction gained in Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the United States of America.

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Side af 256 Forrige Næste
INDEX Aggregates, 177 Coarse Material, 178 Amelia Street, Southwark, 1 American Roads, 115 Anzac Avenue, Auckland, N.Z., 102 Appliances used for Preparing Road-Bed, 124 Avenue Road, Southwark, 2 Backfillers, 132 Baker, Sons & Perkins, Willes- den Junction, 75 Beach Road, Auckland, N.Z., 102 Blackwood Crescent, Edinburgh, 64 Brecon and Abergavenny Main Road, 55 Brockham Street, Southwark, 2 Canmore Street, Dunfermline, CO Cement, 177 Chisledon, 85 Concrete, 178, 180, 181 Consistency, 180 Measuring the Materials, 180 Mixing, 180 Proportions, 180 Consistency of Concrete, 180 Consolidation, 182 Content Street, Southwark, 2 Conveyors, 137 Cranes and Grabs, 126 Crushers, 138 Culverts, 186 Curing and Protection, 184 Opening to Traffic, 184 Watering Surface, 181 De ver ill Street, Southwark, 2 Disintegrators or Cage Mills, 143 Dock Road, Tilbury, 34 Drag-Lino Excavators, 131 Drainage, 179 Durham Street, Auckland, N.Z., 101 Electric Light Standards, 192 Elevators, 147, 153 Empire Paper Mills, Green- hithe, 76 Epping New Road, Buckhurst Hill, 32 Exchange Lane, Auckland, N.Z., 102 Factory Road, Southampton, 78 Fence Posts and GatePosts, 191 Finishing Appliances, 160 Foregate and Eastgate Streets, Chester, 21 Foundation, 179 Gate Posts, 191 Glengormly, Belfast. 67 Grading Machines, 137 Hand and Horse-operated Rollers, 137 Heiron Street, Southwark, 2 Inspection Chambers, 191 Integral Kerb, 176 Jaw Crushers, 143 Joint-Filler, 179 Keeping Aggregates Clean, 148 . Kerbing: Aylesbury, 168 Brighton, 170 Surrey, 173 Kerbs and Channelling, 186 195