Concrete Roads
and Their Construction

År: 1920

Serie: Concrete Series

Forlag: Concrete Publications Limited

Sted: London

Sider: 197

UDK: 625.8 Con-gl.

Being a Description of the concrete Roads in the United Kingdom, together with a Summary of the Experience in this Form of Construction gained in Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the United States of America.

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196 INDEX King’s Wharf Road, Auckland, N.Z., 102 Ladder Excavators, 132 Lamp Posts, 192 Lawson Street, Southwark, 2 Laying the Concrete, 159 Little Queen Street, Auckland, N.Z., 99 Loch Doon Road, 85 London, Brighton and South Coast Ry. Goods Yard, East Croydon, 86 London-Dover Road, Graves- end, 44 Longhoughton. Road, Northum- berland, 56 Lorimore Street, Southwark, 2 Lower Bristol Road, Bath, 59 Main North Road, Northum- berland, 56 Manholes and Inspection Cham- bers, 191 Marine Drive, Exmouth, 22 Market Roads, Auckland, N.Z., 102 Measurement of Water, 153 Measuring the Materials, 180 Mixers, 153 Mixing, 180 Motor Rollers, 138 Mountnessing Road, Essex, 31 New King Street, Deptford, 6 Newport-Cardiff Road, 44 New South Head Road, Sydney, 108 Northbrook Street, Newbury, 10 Opening to Traffic, 184 Padstow Station, 22 Park Road, Auckland, N.Z., 101 Pavements, 186 Penton Place, Southwark, 1 Placing the Concrete, 181 Consolidation, 182 Reinforcement, 182 Surface, 182 Placing the Concrete — Thickness, 181 Weather Conditions, 181 Port of London Authority, The, 69 Portsea Island Gas Works, 78 Preparation of the Existing Sur- face, 179 Drainage, 179 Foundation, 179 Preparing Concrete, 138 Proportions, 180 Quay Street Extension, Auck- land, N.Z., 102 Queen’s Row, Southwark, 2 Ralph Street, Southwark, 2 Reinforcement. 179, 182 Reinforcement Notes, 1(57 Road Accessories, 185 Road Signs, 192 Roberts Lane, Saltney, Chester, 17 Rollers and Tampers, 137 St. Kilda Road, Melbourne, 107 Screens, 144 Sewer Pipes and Water Mains, 186 Southampton Docks, 41 South Street, Southwark, 2 Specification, Suggestions for, 177 Standard Street, Southwark, 1 Steam Rollers, 137 Steam-Shovels, 124 Steedman Street, Southwark, 1 Street Name Plates, 192 Surface of Concrete, 182 Symonds Street , Auckland, N.Z., 102 Tamping and Finishing tho Concrete, 160 Telegraph Poles, 192 Telephone Poles, 192 Theobald Street, Southwark, 2 Thickness of Concrete, 181 Thurlow Street, Southwark, 2 Toronto-Hamilton Highway, 108