Concrete Roads
and Their Construction

År: 1920

Serie: Concrete Series

Forlag: Concrete Publications Limited

Sted: London

Sider: 197

UDK: 625.8 Con-gl.

Being a Description of the concrete Roads in the United Kingdom, together with a Summary of the Experience in this Form of Construction gained in Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the United States of America.

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Advertisements Patent Double- Layer Interlocked Reinforcement THE wv SYSTEM. for Concrete Roads and Foundations. This System is used by THE PCRT OF LONDON AUTHORITY, THE COUNTY BORCUGH OF EAST HAM, Messrs. HARLAND & WOLFF, Ltd., Messrs. WATNEY, COMBE, REID & Co., Ltd., THE LONDON & NORTH WESTERN RAILWAY Co. Etc., Etc. :: :: :: Apply for Designs and Estimates to the Manufacturers and Patentees: THE WALKER-WESTON COMPANY, Ltd., Empire House, 7 Wormwood Street, London, E.C.2.