Concrete Roads
and Their Construction

År: 1920

Serie: Concrete Series

Forlag: Concrete Publications Limited

Sted: London

Sider: 197

UDK: 625.8 Con-gl.

Being a Description of the concrete Roads in the United Kingdom, together with a Summary of the Experience in this Form of Construction gained in Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the United States of America.

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ii Advertisements supply the complete plant for the con- struction of roads from grading to the finished sur- face. For twenty-five years our engineers have been con- stantly improving labour aiding machinery for mak- ing concrete roads, giving special attention to those details which produce a better concrete. For grading or regrading roads, the THEW STEAM NAVVY, also the AUS- TIN and WESTERN ROAD GRADER, DRAG and WHEEL SCRAPERS. For handling the material, AUSTIN GYRATORY or JAW CRUSHERS, SCREENS, ELEVATORS and BINS. LAKEWOOD HAUL- AGE OUTFITS for conveying materials to the LAKEWOOD PAVING MIXERS and FINISHING MACHINES—these are all in successful use throughout the country. These machines offer ideal methods for mixing, placing and finishing concrete ; the concrete being thus thoroughly mixed, consolidated and given a finished surface with assured precision. We maintain a staff of experienced constructional engineers who can give you unbiased advice as to the methods best adapted to each job. At your request they will call upon you and arrange for a cinema demonstration, showing all these machines under working conditions. Special catalogues describing each machine will be forwarded to you upon request. SEND FOR YOUR COPY NOW. STOCKS OF ALL MACHINES CARRIED IN LONDON FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY. ALLIED MACHINERY CO., Lid. 132 QUEEN VICTORIA ST., LONDON, E.C.4 Telephone: City 4253 (three lines). Telegrams: “Alydmachin, Cent. London.”