The World's Columbian Exposition 1893. Chicago, U.S.A. 1893
Official Catalogue With Illustrations issued by the Royal Danish Commission

År: 1893

Sider: 163

UDK: 061.4(100) Chicago

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98 DENMARK his fine portraits and remarkably well treated figure paintings, has painted impressive and beautifully colored landscapes. The talented Miss Weg- mann (b. 1848) is a great favorite with the Danish public as portrait painter. Therkildsen (b. 1840), Peter sen-Mois (b. i8yy) and Philipsen (b. 1840) belong to our ablest animal painters; the last named in his characteristic pictures of animal life from the flat meadows of the small islands of »Saltholmene« in the Sound is influenced by French »impressionism« combined with remembrances from old Dutch art. Amongst the most intelligent and most prominent of the same gene- ration are Viggo Pedersen (b. 1844), and the two brothers Joachim (b. 1856) and Niels Skov gaar d (b. 1848). foachim Skovgaard has, amongst other pictures, treated religious subjects which are remarkable for then uncommon fire and power, and both brothers have proved their brilliant decorative faculties by modeling in ceramics. The architect Thorvaid Bindesbøll (b. 1846), who is also an able worker in . ceramics, has rendered great services by helping to call forth the taste for good decorative art in Denmark. In the exposition of Danish book-work bindings may be seen executed from designs by him and by Hans Tegner (b. 1844), who possesses fine decorative taste and moreover has, by his able and witty illustrations of the plays of Holberg, created the most important Danish illustrated work. A most peculiar talent, Vilhelm Hammershøj (b. 1864) seeks, ni his pictures, for the simplest and most delicate, the most refined effects, and often proves himself kindred to Whistler. Amongst the young painters whose works have made the greatest sensation are Ha- rald Slo tt- Møller and Mrs. Agnes Slott- Møller. The World’s Columbian Exposition will display works of many talented young painters, such as Achen, Karl Jensen, etc., of whose peculiar position this summary does not intend to give any account. Oscar Matthiesen is the one, amongst the young Danish artists, who has shown most eagerness to have Danish art represented at the