The World's Columbian Exposition 1893. Chicago, U.S.A. 1893
Official Catalogue With Illustrations issued by the Royal Danish Commission
År: 1893
Sider: 163
UDK: 061.4(100) Chicago
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Otto Haslund.
52. Interior of a Stable.
Gerhard Heilmann.
53. Spring day after rain.
54. An old Manor-house. Summer
Axel Helsted.
55. The Judgment of Paris.
Lorens Vilh. Hinrichsen.
56. Evening sun.
Sofie Holten.
57. Portrait of a Lady.'—Half-length.
58. Portrait of a Gentleman (The
Painter Mr. L. A. Ring).
59. At the Border of the Wood.
Gudmundsen Holmgren.
60. Bricklayers playing Cards.
61. Interior of a poor Cottager’s
Home; Valders, Norway.
Axel Hou.
Minor Gold Medal of the Royal Academy
of Fine Arts Copenhagen 1893.
62. »Master, where arc you going«.
Peter Ilsted.
Minor Gold Medal of the Royal Academy of
Fine Arts Copenhagen; the Annual Medal;
Mention honorable Paris 1889.
63. An Invalid.
V. Irminger.
64. In aWard during the night; the
Children’s Hospital at Refsnæs
65. Sufferers waiting for Christ. (St.
Marc. I, 32—33.)
66. Patients returning from the Seaside
Hospital at Refsnæs.
67. Dogs in Copenhagen.
Karl Jensen.
68. St. Olai Church at Elsinore.
J. Th. Jensen.
69. Winter day in a Forest-glen.
Carl Milton Jensen.
The Södring Encouragement Prize 1892.
70. A Change in the Weather.
A. A. Jerndorff.
71. The Deluge.
72. The Israelites in the Desert.
73. Portrait of a Gentleman.
74. Portrait of a Lady.
Henrik Jespersen.
The Södring Encouragement Prize; the Neu-
hausen Competition Prize.
75. Drifting Clouds with Glimpses
of Sunshine. Subject from the
neighborhood of Silkeborg (Jut-