The World's Columbian Exposition 1893. Chicago, U.S.A. 1893
Official Catalogue With Illustrations issued by the Royal Danish Commission
År: 1893
Sider: 163
UDK: 061.4(100) Chicago
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Ad. Kittendorff.
Silver and Bronze Medals Paris 1889.
81. Amagertorv in Copenhagen.
82. At Genazzano.
H. C. Kofoed.
The Neuhausen Prize.
83. After Work. Brittany.
Valdemar Kornerup.
ist and 2nd Prize at the Royal Academy (for
the Execution in painting of a model - figure
life-size); Minor Gold Medal of the Royal
Academy of Fine Arts Copenhagen,
84. The Good Samaritan.
Johanne Krebs.
85. Portrait. Study.
P. S. Krøyer.
Thorv.-Medal Copenhagen 1881 ; Medal
3rd Class Paris 1881; Medal 2nd Class Paris
1884; Grand Prix Paris 1889; Medal ist Class
London 1885; Diplome d’honneur New-Orleans
1884; Medal ist Class Berlin 1891; Medal ist
Class Munich 1891.
86. The Road to Stenbjerg (Den-
87. In the Garden.
88. Portrait.
89. Landscape.
Mini Larsen.
90. »Before the Communion«. (Old
Wendish Woman).
Knud Erik Larsen.
■ 91. From tlie »Children’s Home«
the Children have Cod-liver oil.
92. The Border of the Wood.
Carl Locher.
Medal 3rd Class Paris 1889.
93. November night in the North-Sea.
94. The Glacier of Øfjelds (Iceland).
C. Emil Lund.
95. Landscape inJutland. Subject from
Søren Lund.
96. Tethered Horses.
John Leopold Lübschitz.
97. Evening.
Nicolaus Holten Lützhöft.
98. Dark day in August.
99. Sunshine in a Village churchyard.
Niels Petersen-Mols.
Silver Medal.
100. Rainy weather.
101. October day.