The World's Columbian Exposition 1893. Chicago, U.S.A. 1893
Official Catalogue With Illustrations issued by the Royal Danish Commission
År: 1893
Sider: 163
UDK: 061.4(100) Chicago
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Julius Paulsen.
Oscar Matthiesen.
Ole Pedersen.
i 14.
Thorvald Niss.
105. Autumn.
Frits Nybo.
Viggo Pedersen.
Alfred Olsen.
108. A Dead Calm.
Vilh. Pacht.
Bronze Medal Copenhagen 18É
Medal Paris 1889; Gold Medal
Field laborers.
Interior of a Stable.
Anna Sofie Petersen.
Fishermen in a Church in West-
no. The Models are waiting.
in. View of a Plain in Denmark.
112. Portrait of Professor Frølich.
Minor Gold Medal of the Royal Academy of
Fine Arts Copenhagen.
106. September; the west part
Southern Norway.
107. Old Trees in Charlottenlund
Thorolf Pedersen.
The Neuhausen Prize 1885 and 1889; Mention
honorable Palis 1889.
From the Port of Elsinore.
The Storm.
Gold Medal Vienna; Silver Medal Paris 1889;
Silver Medal London; Exposition Medal
The Neuhausen Competition Prize; Minor Gold
Medal of the Royal Academy of Fine Arts
102. Cart-horses at the Seine.
103. Gale at the west-coast of Jut-
104. Griffenfeldt as a Prisoner at
Munkholm teaching two little
Isaac seeing the Arrival of Re-
becca (1 Mos., XXIV, 63).
The Sun setting over the Sea.
View of the Sea.
Italian Landscape from Sora.
The Water-mill.
J. E. Carl Rasmussen.
123. Shipwrecked sailors on the Sea.
124. Summer night on the shore of
125. Potato-harvest in North-Sealand.