The World's Columbian Exposition 1893. Chicago, U.S.A. 1893
Official Catalogue With Illustrations issued by the Royal Danish Commission

År: 1893

Sider: 163

UDK: 061.4(100) Chicago

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Side af 184 Forrige Næste
INTRODUCTORY NOTES Tjie Kingdom of Denmark consists of the following parts: Area Population Denmark proper 38.340 km 2.172.480 The Faroe islands ' I.12 1 » Iceland- A. ) 104.784 » 70.927 Greenland. — » 10.416 The Danish possessions in the West-Indies y 10 » 42.786 Denmark proper lies between 44 and 48 N. Its average temperature is between 14° and. i6.fC in summer and between ami i.fiC in winter. The yearly rain-fall is from 44 to 74 cm. Of its area about 74 per cent, are cornfields, pastures and meadozus; 4 per cent, are woodland, and 4 per cent, are moors and. bogs, a. fact that shows to evidence that the Danes are mainly an agricultural nation; and so it is: nearly fifty per cent, of the population are subsisting on agriculture. But whilst formerly the main object of the farming was the production of breadstuff, stress is nowadays laid on live stock and animal produce. The economic importance to Denmark of agriculture is shown by the fact that of the total export of the country in 1891, amounting to