The World's Columbian Exposition 1893. Chicago, U.S.A. 1893
Official Catalogue With Illustrations issued by the Royal Danish Commission

År: 1893

Sider: 163

UDK: 061.4(100) Chicago

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Side af 184 Forrige Næste
HISTORICAL NOTES U7 man, author of the beautiful work Mind in Nature, was of great importance in other directions. His aim, at which he fully arrived, was to make known natural science in the widest possible circles. He was the founder of the still exist- ing Society for the propagation of natural science, and he con- tributed to the establishment of the Engineering College of Copenhagen, whose director he was for 22 years. H. C. Ørsted. Through Ørsted natural science has got quite a different position in Denmark to what it had before; it has got in touch with practical life, as may be seen from the work of Mr. R. Malling-Hansen (1835—1890), manager of the Deaf and Dumb Institution. He was endowed with great inventive powers which for one thing appeared in his invention of a good type-writer. Daily weighings of the deaf and dumb children under his care led him into the study of natural philosophy. The result he arrived at was that the weight 10*