The World's Columbian Exposition 1893. Chicago, U.S.A. 1893
Official Catalogue With Illustrations issued by the Royal Danish Commission

År: 1893

Sider: 163

UDK: 061.4(100) Chicago

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AGRICULTURAL BUILDING 11 GROUP VII. THE DAIRY AND DAIRY PRODUCTS. Class 41. Roed, Paul, manufacturer, 12 Vesterbrogade, Copenhagen: Milk con- troller, hand-apparatus for testing milk and cream; similar Controlling appa- ratus fitted for the De Laval’s cream separator; Indicator. Determining the contents of fat in the milk the apparatus allows of ascertaining which cows arc giving the best milk and arc thus most suitable for feeding. — Prize at the Agricultural Show at Gøteborg (Sweden). Class 42. Heyman, Philip W., tit. councellör of state, butter-packer, 11 Strand- vejen, Copenhagen: Danish butter in tins. Established in 1858. Awarded a number of Gold medals, in, among other places, Paris 1878 and 1879, Antwerp 1885, Barcelona 1888 and Kim- berley 1892. Class 44. ANDERSEN, Chr. (Svendborg Works), Svendborg: Butter-workers; Milk-pumps. Established 1884. Speciality: dairy and agricultural machinery. Awar- ded prizes at, among other expositions, those of Copenhagen 1888 and Gøteborg 1891. Larsen, C. F., late miller, 21 Havnegade, Copenhagen: Centrifugal cream separator, moved by hand (novel construction). May be placed loose on a table as an ordinary sewing machine, and put in motion by means of a crank-handle. By one rotation of the crank the separator will make 225 rotations. Müller, C. F., 2 Kort Adelersgade, Copenhagen: Milker, Malta- Müller’s patent, constructed according to the rules for milking as laid down by Mr, H. Goldschmidt, professor at tjie Royal Veterinary and Agricultural College. NiELSEN, Jens, manufacturer, 9 Bülowsvcj, Copenhagen: Milker. The machine was awarded a Silver medal, in October 1892, at the