The World's Columbian Exposition 1893. Chicago, U.S.A. 1893
Official Catalogue With Illustrations issued by the Royal Danish Commission

År: 1893

Sider: 163

UDK: 061.4(100) Chicago

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Side af 184 Forrige Næste
INTRODUCTORY NOTES. As staled above (p. 7) one half of the population of Denmark is living by agriculture. But as agriculture is making a constantly more extensive use of machinery, and is concentrating itself more and more in joint concerns such as joint dairies establishments, etc., it be- comes evident that a smaller number of regular labourers is required all the year round, a fact that increases the town population for the benefit of industry. The population of the 73 towns and boroughs of this country amounts now to 722 000 persons or one third of the whole of its population; but it must be kept in mind that of that number 312000 are slaying in the capital, Copenhagen, all the other towns being small places only. One fourth of the population of Denmark is living by industrial pursuits. Already in 1790 the first steam-engine was put in motion in Denmark, but the country did not know then, nor does it know now of any real manufacturing system. The total number of steamboilers in Denmark was, in 1890, 4 416 with in all 47 432 HP.; and this means an increase of 60 p. cent, since 1883, and is due mainly to the joint and co-operative dairies and pork butchering establishments. Statistics show that in the industrial employments of the country there are only