The World's Columbian Exposition 1893. Chicago, U.S.A. 1893
Official Catalogue With Illustrations issued by the Royal Danish Commission

År: 1893

Sider: 163

UDK: 061.4(100) Chicago

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Side af 184 Forrige Næste
MANUFACTURES BUILDING 27 ment of buildings; it is easily worked with joiner’s tools. The grey stone is used in cement works, aerated water manufactories, etc.; the whitening in paint manufactories; the flint is exported tc be used for glazing in china- manufactories, etc. Class 313. OrlandI, V. S EFTERFØLGER (Orlandi, V.’s Successor), plasterer by appointment to H. M. the King, 34 Bredgade, Copenhagen: Plaster-casts of figures by Thorvaldsen: Venus, Hebe, Mercury, and the Shepherd boy. DEPARTMENT F. M ACHINER Y. GROUP LXXII. MACHINERY FOR THE MANUFACTURE OF TEXTILE FABRICS AND CLOTHING. Class 446. Sørensen, Frederik, boot- and shoe-maker, Esbjerg: Patent automatic Bottoming and Soling machine for handmade shoes. The machine, invented by the Exhibitor in 1892, facilitates the most important operations of boot-making: bottoming and soling. A pair of gent- leman’s and a pair of lady’s boots at the making of which the machine has been used illustrate the working of the machine. GROUP LXXV. LITHOGRAPHY, ZINCOGRAPHY AND COLOR PRINTING. Class 469—470. A COLLECTIVE EXPOSITION, arranged by the Society for Promo- ting Book-Work, see p. 65.