The World's Columbian Exposition 1893. Chicago, U.S.A. 1893
Official Catalogue With Illustrations issued by the Royal Danish Commission

År: 1893

Sider: 163

UDK: 061.4(100) Chicago

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Side af 184 Forrige Næste
JO DENMARK The' Exhibitor attended the Stanley Exposition in 1891, the Cycle Exposition of Copenhagen 1892, and the National Cycle Exposition in Lon- don 1893 when his exhibits were everywhere highly commended. Prizes were not distributed. Class 523. Barth, S. Chr., colonel, Hørsholm: Open patent saddle with elastic pads. This saddle, patented in the States, gives to the rider comfort and se- curity, as well as a firm and extended seat, enabling him to close round the horse with case and force, and affording him a straight scat. It gives the horse a firm and quiet saddle-rest, a girthing as mild as secure, and an equal distribution of the pressure of the saddle. GROUP LXXXV. VESSELS, BOATS; MARINE, LAKE AND RIVER TRANSPORTATION. Class 534. The Copenhagen Free Port Company, Lim., Copenhagen: Model of the Free Port of Copenhagen. The Copenhagen Free Port is to be opened for traffic in the course of the year 1894. Unrivalled geographical position. A central emporium for the commodities of Western Europe and America. Owing to the absence of tides in the Sound the C. F. P. affords an easy and convenient access at any time, whether by day or by night. Vessels entering the port will be exempted of the payment of any dues to the Danish State and be charged only with a moderate pierage pr. R. T.), thus they will find one of the least expensive ports existing. The depth of water will be from 25 to 30 English feet. The Free Port will be furnished with most perfect mechanisms for loading and discharging cargoes, and with excellently constructed warehouses and waresheds. A depot of English coals will be kept fully provided, and supplies furnished at the lowest rates. Mer- chandise imported to and warehoused at the Free Port will be exempt from any duty. The charges for warehousing and for the use of stores will be regulated by a tariff sanctioned by the Government, and dock warrants