The World's Columbian Exposition 1893. Chicago, U.S.A. 1893
Official Catalogue With Illustrations issued by the Royal Danish Commission

År: 1893

Sider: 163

UDK: 061.4(100) Chicago

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44 DENMARK RASMUSSEN, Lauritz, zinc and metal Works, furnisher by ap- pointment to H. M. the King, 78 Nørrevoldgade, Copenhagen: The Panther hunter copied from Jerichau; Bust copied from Mr. Gelert; Lion, copied from Mr. Lauritz Jensen; three Bass-reliefs; Thorvaldsen and the Hope; at the close of the Exposition this group will be put up in a pare at Brooklyn. All exhibits cast in bronze. Established 1853; awarded a number of medals at expositions; also a Gold medal. Class 587. Hertz, Peter, jeweller, manufacturer of gold and silver ware, 34 Kjøbmagergade, Copenhagen: Enameled Cups, Beakers and Frames in transparent and other enamels; enameled Spoons, including Memorial spoons with likenesses of Thorvaldsen and H. C. Andersen. Established 1834; awarded a number of medals at expositions, also a Gold medal at Liverpool 1886. — See Gr. 97 cl. 604—5; Gr. 98 cl. 612. JENSEN, Rasmus, goldsmith, Horsens: Enameled Spoons, etc. Established 1867; awarded several exposition medals. — See Gr. 97 cl. 604. GROUP XCIV. GLASS AND GLASSWARE. Class 593. BeNDZ, MATHILDE, Miss, 141 Vesterbrogade, Copenhagen: See p. 76. ElkJÆR, P. M., painter and decorator, 25 Linnéesgade, Copenhagen: Table top in glass painted on its under side, imitated mosaic (see Fig. 9). This table top is the copy of a mosaic table at the Rosenborg Palace collection, and which was presented in 1709 to king Frederik IV by the grand- duke of Toscana; four workmen are said to have spent 30 years in making it. — The Exhibitor was awarded a First class medal at the Northern Expo- sition at Copenhagen 1888 for his copy of it.