The World's Columbian Exposition 1893. Chicago, U.S.A. 1893
Official Catalogue With Illustrations issued by the Royal Danish Commission

År: 1893

Sider: 163

UDK: 061.4(100) Chicago

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Side af 184 Forrige Næste
MANUFACTURES BUILDING 53 GROUP XCVIII. JEWELRY AND ORNAMENTS. Class 612. ChrISTESEN, V., jeweller, manufacturer of gold and silver ware, 11 Amaliegade, Copenhagen: Various ornaments. See Gr. 93 cl. 585, Gr. 96 cl. 601, Gr. 97 cl. 604—5. HERTZ, Bernhard, jeweller, 23 Store Kongensgade, Copenhagen: jewelry, gold and silver ornaments in Old Northern style. Established 1858. Medals from the expositions in Paris 1878 & 1889, Amsterdam 1882. Hertz, P., jeweller, manufacturer of gold and silver ware, 34 Kjøb- magergade, Copenhagen: Ornaments in modern and antique style. See Gr. 93 cl. 587, Gr. 97 cl. 604—5. MlCHELSEN, A., jeweller by appointment to H. M. the King, manu- facturer of gold and silverware, 12 Kongens Nytorv, Copenhagen: Various jewelries. See Gr. 97 cl. 604—5. GROUP XCIX. HOROLOGY, WATCHES, CLOCKS, ETC. Class 617. Larsen, Bertram, tower clock manufacturer, 4 Vodrofsvej, Copen- hagen: Turret clock-work with Graham’s escapement constructed so as to show the time either mechanically or by electricity or both ways at a time. At this Exposition electricity is used; the two dials of the turrets at the entrance to the Danish section in the Manufactures Building show Chicago and Copenhagen time respectively. The commutator is of im- proved construction. Works established at Kjøge in 1847 by the father of the present owner; removed to Copenhagen in 1880. Among the greatest works exe- cuted by the firm is the chime constructed 1886—1892 for Frederiksborg Castle and presented by the late Mr. J. C. Jacobsen (see p. 149).