The World's Columbian Exposition 1893. Chicago, U.S.A. 1893
Official Catalogue With Illustrations issued by the Royal Danish Commission
År: 1893
Sider: 163
UDK: 061.4(100) Chicago
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Class 670.
Fischer, Emma, Mrs., 19 Rømersgade, Copenhagen: Various artistic
woven works partly from ancient patterns from different museums, partly
from patterns designed by Danish artists. The Exhibitor has woven the
old-fashioned tapestries fixed at the exposition of C. B. Hansen’s Esta-
blishment (Gr. 90 cl. 572).
Fig. 24. Embroidery from the shrine of S. Canute (Miss Nanna Ring).
Established 1888. Productions of the Exhibitor have been sold
to the Kunstgewerbe-Museum (Industrial Art Museum) of Stuttgart (Ger-
many), to the Government of Chili, and others.
Koefoed, Regina, Mrs., 142 Gammel Kongevej, Copenhagen: Ar-
ticles woven by hand from ancient subjects or modern designs by Mr. Th.
Bindesbøll and Mr. Erik Schiødte, architects (see Fig. 26)..
Thomson, Elisabeth, Mrs., 94 Vesterbrogade, Copenhagen: Various
works woven by hand, principally reproductions of old Swedish weavings.