Katalog over Vandbygningsvæsenets Bogsamling 1918

År: 1919

Forlag: J. H. Schultz A/S

Sted: Kjøbenhavn

Sider: 88

UDK: 017(489)Van

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VÆRKEh AF ALMEN’ BETYDNING 17 13 5u. Stephensen. R. M.: Railways: An introductory sketch, with suggestions, in reference to their extension to British colonies. Part I. (John Weale’s »Rudimentary treatises«). London 1850. 13512. Dempsey, G. D.: Rudimentary treatise tubular and other iron girder bridges, particularly describing the Britannia and Con- way tubular bridges. (John Weale’s »Rudimentary treatises«). London 1850. 13518. Sewell, J.: Elementary treatise on steam and locomotion. Vol. I & II. (John Weale’s »Rudimentary treatises«). London 1852. 13519. Lardner: A rudimentary treatise on the steam engine: for tho use of beginners. Fourth edition (John Weale’s »Rudimentary treatises«). London 1856. 18515. Armstrong, R.: A rudimentary treatise on steam boilers; their construction and practical management. (John Weale’s »Rudi- mentary treatises«). London 1850. 18516. Glynn, J.: Rudimentary treatise on the construction of cranes and machinery for raising heavy bodies, for the erection of buildings and for hoisting goods. Second edition. (John Weale’s »Rudimentary treatises«). London 1854. 18517. Hughes, S.: A treatise on gas-works, and the practice of manu- facturing and distributing coal gas. (John Weale’s »Rudimen- tary treatises«). London 1853. 18518. Dempsey, G. D.: Rudimentary treatise on the drainage of towns and buildings; suggestive of sanatory regulations that would conduce to the health of an increasing population. (John Wea- le’s »Rudimentary treatises«). London 1849. 135*'* . Tomlinson, Ch.: A rudimentary treatise on warming and venti- lation. (John Weale’s »Rudimentary treatises«). London 1850. 13.rr’ °. Dobson, E.: A rudimentary treatise on foundations and con- crete works: with an account of the now mole executed in be- ton at the harbour of Algiers. (Jolin Weale’s »Rudimentary treatises«). London 1850 13521. Swindell, J. G.: Rudimentary treatise on well-digging, boring and pump work. Third edition. Revised by G. R. Burnell. (John Weale’s »Rudimentary treatises«). London 1854. 135". Garbett, E. L.: Rudimentary treatise on the principles of design in architecture as deducible from nature and exemplified in the works of the Greek and Gothic Architects. Parts I and II. (John Weale’s »Rudimentary treatises«). London 1850. 13523. Leeds, W. H.: Rudimentary architecture for the use of begin- ners and students. The Orders and their aestetic principles. Second edition. With considerable additions. (John Weale’s »Rudimentary treatises«). London 1852. 13524. Bury, T. Talbot: Rudimentary architecture: for the use of be- ginners. The history and description of the styles of architec- ture of various countries from the earliest to the present period. Second edition. (John Weale’s »Rudimentary treatises«). Lon- don 1853. 2