Katalog over Vandbygningsvæsenets Bogsamling 1918

År: 1919

Forlag: J. H. Schultz A/S

Sted: Kjøbenhavn

Sider: 88

UDK: 017(489)Van

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18 VÆRKER AF ADMEN BETYDNING 13525. Allen, C. Bruce: Rudimentary treatise on cottage building. Second edition. (John Weale’s »Rudimentary treatises«). Lon- don 1854. 1352fi . Andrews, G. H.: Rudimentary treatise on agricultural enginee- ring. Vol. 1. Buildings. Vol. IT. Motive powers and machinery of the steading. Vol. ITT. Field machines and implements. (John Weale’s »Rudimentary treatises«). London 1852. 3 B. 13557. Wiggins, J.: The practice of embanking lands from the sea, treated as a means of profitable employment of capital; with examples and particulars of actual embankments and also prac- tical remarks on the repair of old sea-walls. (John Weale’s »Rudimentary treatises«). London 1852. 13558. Donaldson: Rudimentary treatise on clay lands and loamy soils. (John Weale’s »Rudimentary treatises«). London 1852. 13559. Drysdale Dempsey, G.: Rudimentary treatise on the drainage of districts and lands. Second edition. (John Weales »Rudi- mentary treatises«). London 1854. 13560. Stevenson, A.: A rudimentary treatise on the history, construc- tion and illumination of light-houses. (John Weale’s »Rudimen- tary treatises«). London 1850. 13561. Baker, T.: Rudimentary treatise on mensuration, arranged for the use of schools and practical men: comprehending the ele- ments of modern engineering. (John Weale’s »Rudimentary treatises«). London 1850. 13562. Portlock, R. E.: A rudimentary treatise on geology: for the use of beginners. Third edition. (John Weales »Rudimentary trea- tises«). London 1854. 135s3. Gibbons, D.: The Law of contracts for work and services. (John Weale’s »Rudimentary treatises«). London 1849—50. 136. Tekniske Haandbpger. 13 6'. Hagen, G.: Handbuch der Wasserbaukunst Dritte neu bearbei- tete Auflage. Erster Theil: Die Quellen. Zweiter Theil: Die Ströme. Dritter Theil: Das Meer. Berlin 1809—1880. 13 B. 1362. Pereis, E.: Handbuch des landwirtschaftlichen Wasserbaues. Zweite neu bearbeitete Auflage. Berlin 1884. 1363. Henket, N. H., Schols, Ch. M. en Telders, J. M. met Medewerking van verschillende Ingenieurs: Waterbouwkunde. s’Gravenhage 1885. 1364. Thecklenburg, Th.: Handbuch der Tiefbohrkunde. Band T—VI. Leipzig 1886—1896. 1365. Klasen, L.: Handbuch der Fundirungs-Methoden im Hochbau, Brückenbau und Wasserbau. Zum Gebrauche für Architekten, Ingenieure, Baumeister, Bauunternehmer und technische Lehr- anstalten. Leipzig 1879. Samme Værk: 2. Udgave. Leipzig 1895. 1366. Handbuch der Baukunde. Abtheilung 1. Hülfswissenschaften. Band I: 1. Heft: Krüger, Posérn und Hilse: Bauführung und Baurecht. 1887. 2. Heft: Frangonheiin & Posern: Anleitung