The Diseases Of Electrical Machinery
Forfatter: Ernst Schulz
År: 1904
Forlag: E. & F. N. SPON, Ltd.
Sted: London
Sider: 84
UDK: 621.311
Edited with a preface, by Silvanus P. Thompson
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vii.i PREFACE.
in being the type doomed by inherent defects to dis-
Nevertheless, the study of the diseases of electric
machines has its importance in the industry of to-day.
With the newer and larger machinery in use, new de-
fects arise and old ones reappear in new forms. Only
by study of the malady, when it appears, can the right
treatment be discovered to prevent its reappearance.
The experience of others is always useful to the
novice. The knowledge of that which has happened
in disease is the safest guide towards a cure. In short,
by the proper study of dynamo-pathology we may
arrive at a fuller command of dynamo-therapeutics.
The author of this book, Mr. Ernst Schulz, a
German engineer of wide experience, is known to a
few in England by his writings. His little treatise on
the diseases of electric machines appears to fill a use-
ful place. It has now been translated for English
readers, for whose benefit the present writer has added
a few notes and paragraphs, though without material
alteration to the text. It is but fair to state that the
actual work of translation has been borne by Mr.
Hugh LEDWARD, whose double training at Finsbury
and Carlsruhe has qualified him to deal with technical
terms. To him I return, in my capacity as editor, a
grateful acknowledgment.