The Diseases Of Electrical Machinery
Forfatter: Ernst Schulz
År: 1904
Forlag: E. & F. N. SPON, Ltd.
Sted: London
Sider: 84
UDK: 621.311
Edited with a preface, by Silvanus P. Thompson
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This little opusculum owes its existence to a wish
expressed in several quarters that the author would
put together in more complete form, as a book, some
earlier scattered publications of his on the present
topic. I should not have yielded forthwith to this
demand had it not been actually for the absence of
any such book in this subject. Neither in the ex-
cellent Pocket-books or Calendars such as those * of
Pohl, Uppenborn, and Von Gaisberg, which have been
before the public for a long series of years, nor yet in
the more bulky technical treatises does one find an
account of the faults and break-downs of electric
machines in a convenient form for the use of engineers
and fitters. Such a compilation ought, on the one
hand, to be short, and to avoid theoretical expositions
wherever these are not absolutely necessary; on the
other hånd, it ought to afford to the practical man
* The Author here particularly refers to the pocket-book for
electrical engineers and fitters by Chief-Engineer H. Polil, entitled
“The Erection of Electric Light and Power Stations,” published in
Hannover by the Messrs. Jänecke Brothers. A similar remark is more
or less applicable to the various pocket-books for electrical engineers
in the English language. Nevertheless, there exist in English several
works which deal with the subject of Diseases of Dynamos, as may be
seen in the final chapter of the Editor’s book on Dynamo-Electric
Machinery (Seventh Edition, 1904). There are also the works of
Messrs. Crocker and Wheeler, and that of Mr. Lummis Paterson.