The Diseases Of Electrical Machinery
Forfatter: Ernst Schulz
År: 1904
Forlag: E. & F. N. SPON, Ltd.
Sted: London
Sider: 84
UDK: 621.311
Edited with a preface, by Silvanus P. Thompson
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Bogens tekst er maskinlæst, så der kan være en del fejl og mangler.
ready rules as compendiously as possible, so that the
advice of the little book shall seldom or never leave
him in the lurch.
My practice for twelve years as a constructor, and
my present position as civil engineer, have caused
thousands of machines to pass through my hands, so
that I am well able to pass judgment upon the points
which are to be treated within the compass of this
theme. In the following pages I have generally
given explanations of those faults and troubles only
which occur in the operation of machines, yet without
rigidly adhering to this rule; so that occasionally
also faults of manufacture and defects that have
their origin in calculation and design are described.
Further, the expositions are not confined merely to
the machines themselves, but include also those
pieces of auxiliary apparatus, such as regulating
rheostats and starters, which are inseparable from
all operating plant.
The subject divides itself naturally into four
principal sections, namely :—
I. Continuous-current Machines.
II. Single-phase and Polyphase Alternators.
III. Single-phase and Polyphase Motors.
IV. Transformers.
So, then, may the little work serve the desired
use for those for whom it is written, and be to them
a trusty adviser.
Munchen, 1903.