The Diseases Of Electrical Machinery

Forfatter: Ernst Schulz

År: 1904

Forlag: E. & F. N. SPON, Ltd.

Sted: London

Sider: 84

UDK: 621.311

Edited with a preface, by Silvanus P. Thompson

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42 THE DISE ASES OF nected in series with it. In no circumstances should the connections be made as in Fig. 21, where the shunt is now parallel to the armature alone. In that case when switching in, only a weak current will flow Fig. 21. Fig. 22. through the shunt, and the motor will not exert any torque, i.e. will not start. Until recently the arrangement shown in Fig. 22 was often used in order to prevent sparking when Fig. 23. switching off the motor. The shunt winding is con- nected directly to the leads and remains in circuit at the end of the run, until opened by means of a special switch when the motor is stopped. A very simple