The Diseases Of Electrical Machinery
Forfatter: Ernst Schulz
År: 1904
Forlag: E. & F. N. SPON, Ltd.
Sted: London
Sider: 84
UDK: 621.311
Edited with a preface, by Silvanus P. Thompson
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EVER since the year 1887, when a paper of mine on
the Diseases of Dynamos appeared in The Electrician,
the topic of the causes of failures and break-downs of
electric machinery, and of their prevention and cure,
has been a familiar one with me. As the subjects of
pathology and morbid anatomy never lie far away
from the attention of the physiologist, so the study
of the ailments and defects to which dynamo-electric of all classes are liable comes continually
within the purview of the student of dynamo design.
Diseases, to borrow the language of the medical pro-
fession, may be either congenital—I had almost said
hereditary—or acquired. Some diseases affect par-
ticular races, others are special to particular climates.
Some are incident to youth; others are a prerogative
of old age. Some are sporadic, some epidemic ; some
transient, some chronic, some curable, some incurable.
And, to continue the metaphor, while some require a
species of surgical treatment, others are bctter handled
by careful attention to a strict regimen of daily ex-
ercise or by the administration of drugs.
The constitutional diseases of dynamos may arise
either from defective design or from imperfect con-