The Diseases Of Electrical Machinery

Forfatter: Ernst Schulz

År: 1904

Forlag: E. & F. N. SPON, Ltd.

Sted: London

Sider: 84

UDK: 621.311

Edited with a preface, by Silvanus P. Thompson

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$6 THE DISEASES OF it has the same effect as a short-circuit between the copper of the winding, which has already been con- sidered above. Two-Ph.ase Winding.—Two-phase armatures have two independent windings, displaced one from another by a half of the pole-pitch and connected together at the neutral point. Three-phase alternators have three windings, displaced by two-thirds of a pole-pitch. While, practically, two-phase generators are always connected, as above mentioned, in one point—the neutral point—three phase-windings are connected in two different ways. Three Phase Star Conneetion.—Fig\ 27 repre- sents the more usual star method of connection. Here the three ends of the windings are united at the neutral point. The voltage between 3 and 2 is equal Fig. 27. to the voltage between 2 and 3, and also between 1 and 3. This faet must be noticed as differing from