History of Sanitation

Forfatter: J. J. Cosgrove

År: 1910

Forlag: Standard Sanitary Mfg. Co

Sted: Pittsburgh U.S.A

Sider: 124

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HISTORY OF SANITATION 21 by Caligula in the year 38, but was completed, as was the Anio Novus, by the Emperor Claudius. Many other aqueducts besides those mentioned were built at different periods to add to the water supply of Rome. A table is given below showing the date of the constructions and their lengths. The magnificence displayed by the Romans in the construction of aqueducts was not confined to the capital. Wherever Roman colonies were established, it would appear that vast sums were expended in providing the community with a suitable supply of water. Ruins of aqueducts built by the Romans may still be seen at many points in Spain, France, Africa, Greece, and even England can point to the ruins of a water tower built by this prolific school of Roman engineers. At the present time there are probably one hundred or more structures of this kind in existence, some of which are in daily use, supplying water to inhabitants of communities for whose ancestors they were built centuries ago. ROMAN AQUEDUCTS, ARRANGED IN CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER Name of Date of Length Aqueduct Construction Miles Appia . 313 B. C. 11 Anio Vetus .... . 273 B. C. 43 Marcia . 145 B. C. 61 Herculea branch 3 Tepula . 127 B. C. 13 Julia 35 B. C. 15 Virgo 21 B. C. 14 Augusta 10 A. D. 6 Absietina 10 A. D. 22 Claudia 50 A. D. 46 Anio Novus .... 52 A. D. 58 Neronian branch 97 A. D. 2 Trajana . Ill A. D. 42 Hadriana . 117-1585 A. D. 15 Aurelia . 162 A. D. 16 Severiana . 200 A. D. 10 Antoniniana branch . . 212 A. D. 3 Sabin a-Augusta 130-300 A. D. 15 Alexandrina .... . 230 A. D. 15 J ova . 300 A. D. (The miles above given are Roman miles, of 4,854 feet. The entire length of aqueduct in English miles would be 398.)