History of Sanitation
Forfatter: J. J. Cosgrove
År: 1910
Forlag: Standard Sanitary Mfg. Co
Sted: Pittsburgh U.S.A
Sider: 124
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The Cloaca Maxima. From a Recent Photograph
Cloaca Maxima, which was constructed during the period
of the Kings, from 735 to 510 b. c., was intended to drain the
marshy hollow between the Capitoline, Palatine and Esqui-
line hills, and afterwards, by a process of development, be-
came part of a combined sewage system for the city.
That the engineers who designed the sewerage system
of Rome had a clear conception of the service expected of
such drains, is evidenced by the manner in which the system
was proportioned. The pipes gradually enlarged from
their extremities in the buildings through all the ramifica-
tions of the system until they finally reached the outlet at
a bulkhead or quay-wall in the Tiber. It is stated by early
writers that so complete was this system of sewers that every
street in the ancient city was drained by a branch into the
The Cloaca Maxima was one of the largest and most
celebrated of the ancient sewers. The solidity of this struc-
ture can be judged by the fact that it has been in