History of Sanitation
Forfatter: J. J. Cosgrove
År: 1910
Forlag: Standard Sanitary Mfg. Co
Sted: Pittsburgh U.S.A
Sider: 124
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uninterrupted service for over 2,400 years, and at the present
time is still in use, with no signs of immediate failure. The
arches were made of neatly jointed stones fitted together
Greek Women Bathing
Greek Bath Tubs
without cement.
It is stated by Pliny
that a cart loaded
with hay could pass
down the Cloaca
Maxima. It should
be borne in mind,
however, that a
Roman cart and
load of hay were of
smaller dimensions
than a modern one.
The actual dimen-
sions of the mouth
of the sewer are 11
feet wide by 12 feet high. The lateral branches of the
main sewer were of a size in proportion with their
requirements and in proportion to the main or trunk
sewer. The dimensions of these sewers are evidenced by
the service they performed for Nero, who threw into them
the unfortunate victims of his nightly riots.
While each
street in Rome was
provided with an
adequate sewer, it is
more than probable
that only a small per-
centage of the popu-
lation had branches
extending into their
houses. In those that
had, the latrines were
located adjacent to
the kitchen, where
through the