History of Sanitation
Forfatter: J. J. Cosgrove
År: 1910
Forlag: Standard Sanitary Mfg. Co
Sted: Pittsburgh U.S.A
Sider: 124
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“In the earlier ages of Roman history a much
greater delicacy was observed with respect to pro-
miscuous bathing-, even among the men, than was usual
among the Greeks; for according to Valerius Maximus,
it was deemed indecent for a father to bathe in com-
pany with his own son after he had attained the age of
puberty, or son-in-law with his father-in-law, the same
respectful reserve being shown to blood and affinity as
was paid to the temples of the gods, toward whom it was
considered an act of irreligion even to appear naked in
any of the places consecrated to their worship. But virtue
passed away as wealth increased, and when the thermæ
came into use, not only did the men bathe together in
numbers, but even men and women stripped and bathed
promiscuously in the same bath. It is true, however, that
the public establishment often contained separate baths
for both sexes adjoining each other, as will be seen to have
been also the case at the baths of Pompeii. Aulus Gellius
Outer Row of Baths, Caracalla, Rome