History of Sanitation
Forfatter: J. J. Cosgrove
År: 1910
Forlag: Standard Sanitary Mfg. Co
Sted: Pittsburgh U.S.A
Sider: 124
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Publisher’s Note
THE primary object of our organization is, as is universally
known, to manufacture and market "jStandavd” Plumbing
Fixtures, Brass Goods and other products made in our factories.
In the development of an organization to accomplish this result,
there has been established an Advertising and Publishing
Department of no small proportions, and the “History of Sani-
tation ” is simply the outgrowth of the work of this department.
This brief statement will, we believe, serve to give the public a
clear understanding of our somewhat unique position of being at
the same time manufacturers and publishers.
The first serious work of the Publishing Department on a
large scale was “Modern Sanitation” (established June, 1904).
From this came the publication, first in serial form and later as
a book, of J. J. Cosgrove’s fiist work, “Principles and Practice
of Plumbing ” (book published December, 1906). The phenome-
nal success of the book is a matter of general knowledge,
although it may not be widely known that “ Principles and Prac-
tice of Plumbing’’ has been adopted as a text book in more than
thirty universities and colleges in the United States, and bids
fair to be adopted in others. This magnificent achievement has
been accomplished solely on the merit of the work and without
solicitation on the part of either the author or publisher.
I here is now offered, almost simultaneously two new books
by Mr. Cosgrove, one being the volume in hand and the other
“Sewage Purification and Disposal.”
In “History of Sanitation,” “Sewage Purification and Dis-
posal and “ Principles and Practice of Plumbing” we feel that
the literature of the craft has been enriched in an enduring man-
ner, and that we have fully justified our appearance in the field
of publishers as amply as we have our standing as manufacturers
of a world-wide known and used product.
Standard 8anitarp TDfø. Co.
Publishing Department
Pittsburgh, U. S. A.