Its Generation and Use

År: 1889

Forlag: Press of the "American Art Printer"

Sted: New York

Sider: 120

UDK: TB. Gl. 621.181 Bab

With Catalogue of the Manufacturers.of The Babcock & Wilcox Co.

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probably We con- E. Greenfield’s Son & Co., Brooklyn. 160 H. P. Average time, 4 years. “ They show no signs of wear, therefore will not need repairing for some time to come, sider them the best boilers we have ever used.” Black & Germer, Erie, Pa. 92 H. P. age time, 4 years. Total repairs, nothing. " Is easily cared for and economical in the consump- tion of fuel.” Aver- Planters’ Sugar Refining Co., New Orleans. 292 H. P. Average time, 6 years. Total re- pairs, nothing. “ The only expense attached to them has been new grate bars and fire brick work.” John Barkley, Pres’t. S. S. Hepworth, Yonkers, N. Y. 104 H. P. Average time, 4TS2 years. “During all this'time it gave no trouble whatever, and did not cost one penny for repairs.” Wilson & McCallay Tobacco Co. 300 H. P. Average time, 5 years. Total repairs, 4:1(c. yearly per H. P. John Collins, Denny, North Britain. 425 H. P. Average time, 3rl0- years. “ The repairs to heating surfaces have been slight, and caused by an unfortunate admission of grease to feed water in the case of my 140 H. P. boiler. With this ex- ception, which of course arose from no fault of yours, the boilers have done good and heavy work and given me satisfaction.” John Collins. Singer Manufacturing Co. Kilbowie, Scot- land. 2106 H. P. Average time, 4^ years. Total repairs, |c. yearly per H. P. “ We have much pleasure in sending you particulars of boilers as requested.Total repairs, ^3.19.3, which we consider highly satisfactory.” Nova Scotia Sugar Refinery, Halifax, N. S. 800 H. P. Average time, 7% years, night and day. 600 H. P. since 1880; 200 in 1885. Total repairs, i^c. yearly per H. P. “ We have pleasure in saying we consider them first- class boilers in every respect.” J. A. Turnbull, Man. Kennedy’s Patent Water Meter Co. L’d., Kilmarnock, Scotland. 51 H. P. Average time, 6 years. Total repairs, nothing. “ Repairs confined to re-expanding one tube. The cost was trifling.” Thos. Kennedy. Bent Colliery Co. L’d. Bothwell, Scotland. 480 H. P. Average time, 4^- years. “The cost of repairs during that time has been trifling. I think two short tubes were renewed. The boilers have been constantly at work.” Jas. S. Dixon. Corporation of Aberdeen Gas Works, Scotland. 93 H. P. Average time, 3 years, night and clay. Total repairs, nothing. “ The boiler continues to give great satisfaction.” Alex. Smith. The Square Works, Ramsbottom, England. 136 H. P. Average time, 4 years, night and day. Total repairs, 9T80c. yearly per H. P. “ Since Feb. 5th, 1884, night and day work, 16/6 ex- cept the breakdown through being short of water, which cost Xai-17-4 to repair.” Hepburn & Co. Whitmore & Sons, Edenbridge, Kent, Eng- land. 100 H. P. Average time, 3 years. “ Have not spent one penny on the boiler.” Miller & Co., Foundry, Edinburgh, Scotland. 240 H. P. Average time, 3 years. Total re- pairs, nothing. “Only expense has been some repairs to the Brick- work in connection with the Stoker.” Miller & Co. Carthness Steam Saw Mill, Wick, Glasgow. 146 H. P. Average time, 2^ years. Total repairs, nothing. “We are well pleased with your boilers, and can with confidence recommend them to any firm wishing to economize their working expenses.” Alex. McEwen. Georgie Mills, Edinburgh, Scotland. 146 H. P. Average time, 3% years, night and day. Total repairs, nothing. “ Neither boiler has required any repairs to heating surfaces.” J. & G. Cox. J. & T. Boyd, Iron Works, Glasgow. 208 H. P. Average time, 2T60 years. “ One of these has worked nearly 5 years and the other about half that time without any repairs what- ever.” Dubois & Charvet-Colombier, Armentiéres, France. 476 H. P. Average time, 3 years. “ These boilers have worked to our entire satisfac- tion since 2d November, 1885, without as yet any repairs whatever.” Arrol Brothers, Bridge Builders, Glasgow. 146 H. P. Average time, 5% years. “ Cost of repairs to heating surface is as yet nothing. It gives us pleasure to hand you this information, which is entirely at your own disposal.” Arrol Bros. Jaimes Eadie & Sons, Tube Works, Glasgow. 64 H. P. Average time, 5 years. “ Repairs to heating surfaces, none.” Hughes & England. 61 H. “ Has up pairs. We can only pleased in every respect with your boiler.” Westinghouse Air Brake Co., Pittsburgh. 92 H. P. Average time, 4^ years. Total repairs, 4c. yearly per H. P. “The repairs have been merely nominal, being con- fined to the re-expanding of a few tubes and the re- placing of two or three hand hole covers, at a total cost probably not exceeding $15. The boiler has given entire satisfaction.” H. H. Westinghouse, General Manager. Carthage Water Works. 122 H. P. Aver- age time, 6% years. Total repairs, nothing. “ They are practically as good as when we put them in ; there is not a blister or scale on the tubes. The fire has not been out since we first started up in January, 1882.” C. S. Bartlett, Manager. J. Pongs, Jr., Newerk, Germany. 120 II. P. Average time, 3 years. “ Has been running 3 years without needing any re- pairs up to this time.” J. Pongs, Jr. Carron Co., Carron, Stirlingshire, N. B. 416 H. P. Average time, 4 years. Total repairs, nothing. Son. Meole Brace, Shrewsbury, P. Average time, 4 years, cost us nothing whatever for re- repeat that we are very much to now 96