Its Generation and Use
År: 1889
Forlag: Press of the "American Art Printer"
Sted: New York
Sider: 120
UDK: TB. Gl. 621.181 Bab
With Catalogue of the Manufacturers.of The Babcock & Wilcox Co.
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the fire, the higher the temperature of the fire
and the lower that of the escaping gases the bet-
ter the economy, for the losses by the chimney
gases will bear the same proportion to the heat
generated by the combustion as the temperature
of those gases bears to the temperature of the
the fire. That is to say, if the temperature of the
fire is 2,500° and that of the chimney gases 500°
above that of the atmosphere, the loss by the chim-
ney will be — 20 per cent. Therefore, as the
escaping gases cannot be brought below the
temperature of the absorbing surface, which is
practically a fixed quantity, the temperature of
the fire must be high in order to secure good
'I he losses by radiation being practically pro-
portioned to the time occupied, the more coal
burned in a given furnace in a given time, the less
will be the proportionate loss from that cause.
It therefore follows that we should burn our
coal rapidly and at a high temperature, to secure
the best available economy.
In any heat engine it is essential that there
should be, ist, a working fluid ; 2d, a source of
heat; and 3d, a receptacle for unexpended heat,
both of which latter must be external to the
working fluid. In its operation there must be a
reception of heat by the working fluid, at a cer-
tain temperature, a conversion of heat into work,
«and a discharge of unconverted heat at a lower
temperature than that at which it was received.
1 lie difference between such higher and lower
temperatures is called the “range of tempera-
tures,” and the engine is called a “perfect en-
gine ’ ’ when the whole heat corresponding to its
range of temperature is converted into work.
Sadi Carnot, in 1824, seems to have been the
first to enunciate the principle, now universally
recognized, that the ratio of the maximum me-
chanical effect in a perfect heat engine to the
total heat expended upon it, is a function solely
of the two constant temperatures, at which re-
spectively heat is received and rejected, and is
independent of the nature of the intermediate
agent or working fluid, though at that day the
dynamic theory of heat was not known,and Carnot
supposed that all the heat received in the boiler,
or its equivalent, was transferred to the conden-
ser. Subsequent researches of Joule, Rankine
and others, have established the following prop-
ositions :
ist. In any heat engine the maximum useful
ejfect (expressed in foot pounds or in percentage)
* From “ Substitutes for Steam,” by Geo. H. Babcock,
read before the American Society of Mechanical Engineers,
May, 1886. Transactions, Vol. VII., p. 710.
bears the same relation to the total heat expended
(expressed in foot pounds or as unity) that the
range of temperature bears to the absolute tem-
perature at which heat is received.
2d. In any heat engine the minimum loss of
heat bears the same relation to the total heat ex-
pended as the temperature at which the heat is
rejected bears to the temperature at which it is
received, both being reckoned from absolute zero,
460° j- below the zero of Fahrenheit’s scale.
These two propositions, expressed in algebraic
formulae, are:
(1) U which, if H j, becomes
4 1
the well-known equation LT - - ; and,
(2) L H in which also, if H— 1 Z = —
But as L 4“ U— i, U— i — -f-, which is
identical with (1) differently written.
At this point we need to divest ourselves of an
idea which is common, and which naturally
comes from the terms used, that “latent” heat
is necessarily wasted heat —or, in other words,
that if all the heat received was expended in ele-
vating the temperature, instead of a large share
of it going into the ‘ ‘ latent ’ ’ condition, we should
be able to turn a larger percentage of it into
power. It has been upon this erroneous supposi-
tion that most of the searches for substitutes for
steam have been based. To show its fallacy,
practically, it is only necessary to consider the
action of an engine using steam as a gas without
expenditure of latent heat, and compare it with
the results attained in engines in which the latent
heat is expended in the boiler and discharged in
the condenser. Wc will assume th<it steam be
supplied at ioo° temperature — 1 pound pressure,
or 28 inches vacuum nearly — that it be worked
through Carnot’s cycle between that temperature
and 3200— the temperature of saturated steam at
75 pounds gauge pressure. The efficiency of
this cycle would be, by above formula, —
= .28. The heat expended per pound of steam
would be 220 X -475 X 772 = 80,674 foot pounds
of energy, of which the engine would utilize 28
per cent., or 22,588 foot pounds. There would,
.u r I • , 1,980,000
therefore, be required ——------- = 87 6 pounds
steam per hourly horse-power, and that in a per-
fect engine ; but, working within the same limits,
in a very imperfect engine, using water with its
large latent heat, in actual practice, a horse-
power is obtained for from 16 to 18 pounds, or
about one-fifth the quantity of fluid. Latent
+ See note, p. 13.