Its Generation and Use
År: 1889
Forlag: Press of the "American Art Printer"
Sted: New York
Sider: 120
UDK: TB. Gl. 621.181 Bab
With Catalogue of the Manufacturers.of The Babcock & Wilcox Co.
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by the remainder, the result is the height in feet.
Or, by formula :
To find the maximum efficient draft for any
given chimney, the heated column being 600 I*.,
temperature. It will be seen that practically
nothing can be gained by carrying the temper-
ature of the chimney more than 350° above the
external air at 6o°.
To determine the quantity of air, in pounds,
a given chimney will deliver per hour, multiply
the distance in inches, at given temperature, on
the diagram,
by 1000 times
the effective
II 50 100 150 200 250 300 3Ö0 400
and the external air 62°: Multiply the
height above grate in feet by .007,
and the product is the draft power in
inches of water.
The above diagram shows the draft, in
inches, of water for a chimney 100 feet
high, under different temperatures, from
50° to 8oo° above external atmosphere,
which is assumed at 6o°. The vertical
scale is full size, and each division is
of an inch. It also shows the relative
quantity, in pounds of air, which would
he delivered, in the same time, by a
chimney under the same differences of
Chimney for 1260 H. P. of Babcock & Wilcox Boiler, at Bird Coleman Furnace, Cornwall, Pa.
area in square
feet, and by
the square root
of the height
in feet. This
gives a maxi-
mum. Fric-
tion in flues
000 050 700 750 800
and furnace may reduce it greatly.
The external diameter of a brick chim-
ney at the base should be one-tenth the
height, unless it be supported by some
other structure. The “batter” or taper of
a chimney should be from fg to inch to
the foot on each side.
Thickness of brick work: one brick (8
or 9 inches) for 25 ft. from the top, increas-
ing brick (4 or 4^ inches) for each 25
ft. from the top downwards.
If the inside diameter exceed 5 ft. the
top length should be 1 bricks, and if un-
der 3 ft. it may be % brick for ten feet.