The Great Bore
A Souvenir Of The Hoosac Tunnel

Forfatter: J.L. Harrison

År: 1891

Forlag: Advance Job Print Works

Sted: North Adams

Sider: 74

UDK: 624.19

A History Of The Tunnel, With Sketches Of North Adams, Its Vicinity And Drives; Williams-Town And Mount Greylock

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46 PUBLIC LIBRARY AND READING KOOM. The North Adams public library and reading room was opened in 1883 with scarcely more than 2,000 volumes on its shelves. Its growth and pat- ronage has more than warranted its establishment, and the town, which received it somewhat reluctant- ly from the old North Adams Library Association, supports it to-day as willingly as it supports its pub- lic schools. The library numbers some 11,000 vol- umes, classified according to the Dewey decimal system, and last year more than 60,000 books were drawn. The library is conveniently situated on Main street, and if the visitor has the time and in- clination, he can pass a very pleasant hour within its walls, looking over the daily papers, the maga- zines and latest books. HOSPITAL. In October, 1882, a terrible accident occured in the railroad yard. There was no adequate place to take the wounded and for the first time North Adams keenly felt and fully realized its need of a hospital. To feel and to act were certainly synony- mous for once, for on the morning of the accident a paper was circulated among its citizens to raise