The Great Bore
A Souvenir Of The Hoosac Tunnel

Forfatter: J.L. Harrison

År: 1891

Forlag: Advance Job Print Works

Sted: North Adams

Sider: 74

UDK: 624.19

A History Of The Tunnel, With Sketches Of North Adams, Its Vicinity And Drives; Williams-Town And Mount Greylock

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47 funds for the establishment of a hospital. To-day, situated on a high knoll in Houghtonville, far away from the noise and bustle of the streets, surrounded by thirty acres of land, with the town stretching out below it and its view reaching to the very ridges of the mountains, stands the practical result of the sympathy which the town felt for those men who were so frightfully scalded in the “caboose accident” of October 21, 1882,—the North Adams hospital. It is a commodious building, provided with thirty beds and perfectly arranged for the care and com- fort of the sick. The institution is unsectarian in character, is attended by physicians representing the two principal schools of medicine, who give their services gratuitously; is under the immediate charge of an efficient corps of trained nurses and under the general supervision of a board of control, composed of ladies representing the various religious denomi- nations of the town. A training school for nurses forms a part of the regular work of the hospital. CHURCHES. If the number of churches, the liberality of their support and attendance at divine worship is any cri- terion, the moral atmosphere of North Adams is as pure as that of any other town of its size in New