Dear Mr. N.,
Will you and your friend, the Norwegian Consul, give
us the pleasure of your company at dinner on Saturday
next at 6 o’clock? Yours very truly,
Gravesend, 10—2—04. N. N.
Dear Mr. N.,
It will give us great pleasure, if you and Mrs. N. will
take luncheon with us Sunday next at 1 p. m.
A boat will be waiting for you at Southsea Pier at
12,30 p. m. Yours truly,
July 16th 04. N. N.____________
Dear Mr. N.,
1 should be much pleased, if you would come and
cline with me on Monday the 4th at 6,45 p. m. Please
excuse this short notice, but we have only just learned,
that you are on board the mail-steamer »Thyra«.
2—5—°4* Believe me yours
very sincerely,
N. N.
Svar paa Indbydelser, som modtages.
Saafremt Paaklædningen ikke har været nævnt i Ind-
bydelsen, kan man sende Bud til vedkommendes Adjutant
eller deri vagthavende Officer i Skibet for at erholde Under-
retning herom.
I Reglen benyttes et Visitkort, hvorpaa skrives:
Be kind enough to let me know what is the dress for
the Admiral’s dinner (ball) to-night. Yours sincerely,
N. N.