Notice sur des Expériences exécutées avec la Machine Dynamo-électrique
et avec la Lampe á arc Voltaïque de M. Jürgensen
Forfatter: V. Edsberg
År: 1884
Forlag: Imprimerie de Fr. Bagge
Sted: Copenhague
Sider: 39
UDK: 621 325
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Report on the Jürgensen dynamo machine and lamp.
68, Sloane Street, S. W.
September 4th, 1882.
We have made a large number of experiments with
this machine at different speeds, and sending currents
through various resistances. In each case there were
1. The horse-power actually given to the dynamo.
2. The speed of rotations of the dynamo.
3. The current in amperes generated.
4. The electromotive force in volts set up between
the terminals of the machine.
We find that for currents of over 15 amperes at
the lower speeds of 500 to 600 revolutions per minute,
and for currents of over 12 amperes at the higher speeds
of 750 to 950 revolutions, the efficiency of the machine
was half, or more; that is to say, for every horse-power
given by the engine to the dynamo at least one-half a
horse-power was electrically given out by it, part of
this being given out in the external circuit, and part
appearing as heat in the armature and field magnets of
the machine itself.
At a speed of 790 revolutions per minute, when
the external resistance was equel to 3,9 ohms, the effi-
ciency of the machine reached 0,93 and the useful effi-
ciency to 0,54, that is to say, of the horse-power given
by the engine to the dynamo 93 per cent, was given
out electrically by the dynamo, 54 per cent, appearing
in the external circuit.
In this case the actual horse-power given to the
dynamo was 4,9, of which 4,6 was reproduced electri-
cally by the machine, 2,6 of this appearing in the exter-
nal circuit.