Worlds Columbian exposition 1893
Portfolio of views
Forfatter: C. D. Arnold
År: 1893
Forlag: National Chemigraph Company
Sted: Chicago and St. Louis
Sider: 78
UDK: gl. 061.4(100) Chicago
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Architects, McKim, Mead & White, of New York City. The dimensions of the main building are 800 by 500 feet, and of the annex 550% by 312 feet. The entire
floor area is about fifteen acres. The decorations of the porticoes and pavilions are by George W. Maynard, the figure of Diana, surmounting the dome, is by
Augustus St. Gaudens, the composition in the main pediment is by Larkin G. Mead, and the remainder of the sculpture is by Philip Martiny.