Information for Exhibitors
A brief Description of the Exposition, Extracts of important Rules and Regulations, and an Analysis of the Plan and Scope of the Exhibit Departments
År: 1915
Sider: 48
The Panama Canal Divides Continents to Unite the World. The Universe Celebrates This Achievement at San Francisco in 1915.
Panama-Pacific International Exposition 1915.
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Mines and Metallurgy
WITHIN the Palace of Mines and Metallurgy will
be displayed the mineral products of the world,
together with illustrations of mining and met-
allurgical processes. The leading metallic ores, such as
iron, lead, zinc, gold, etc., will be illustrated by examples
from the several States and Foreign collective exhibits.
These will be supplemented by the metallurgical ex-
hibits and coal displays made by private individuals and
corporations. Especial attention will be given the new
and rarer minerals and the processes for their reduction.
These include the several ores which have lately come
into prominence on account of their radio-active prop-
erties. Gems, rare stones and crystals will make an
important exhibit.
Mining engineering, as practically applied to the de-
velopment of properties, will be shown. The petroleum
exhibit will contain a collection of all the crude oils pro-
duced in the world, besides a full series of derivatives
and by-products, and also models of all the appliances
used in drilling, piping, storing and distributing ore.
Clay and its products will have a very prominent
position, and the raw material will be shown with the
finished product. The great increase in the uses of ce-
ment since the last International Exposition will make
a large and interesting field for exhibit purposes. The
most improved methods and appliances used in mining
Coal, Iron and Stone will be shown, including the hand-
ling, transportation and delivery at destined points.
The Department as a whole will contain much that is