The Principles of Scientific Management
Forfatter: Frederick Winslow Taylor
År: 1919
Forlag: Harper & Brothers Publishers
Sted: New York and London
Sider: 144
UDK: 658.01 Tay
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employers, and who feel that all of the fruits of their
labor should belong to them, and that those for
whom they work and the capital invested in the
business are entitled to little or nothing, may be
led to modify these views.
No one can be found who will deny that in the
case of any single individual the greatest prosperity
can exist only when that individual has reached his
highest state of efficiency; that is, when he is turning
out his largest daily output.
The truth of this fact is also perfectly clear in the
case of two men working together. To illustrate:
if you and your workman have become so skilful
that you and he together are making two pairs of
shoes in a day, while your competitor and his work-
man are making only one pair, it is clear that after
selling your two pairs of shoes you can pay your
workman much higher wages than your competitor
who produces only one pair of shoes is able to pay
his man, and that there will still be enough money
left over for you to have a larger profit than your
In the case of a more complicated manufacturing
establishment, it should also be perfectly clear that
the greatest permanent prosperity for the workman,
coupled with the greatest prosperity for the employer,
can be brought about only when the work of the
establishment is done with the smallest combined
expenditure of human effort, plus nature’s resources,
plus the cost for the use of capital in the shape of
machines, buildings, etc. Or, to state the same