The Principles of Scientific Management
Forfatter: Frederick Winslow Taylor
År: 1919
Forlag: Harper & Brothers Publishers
Sted: New York and London
Sider: 144
UDK: 658.01 Tay
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fundamentals of SCIENTIFIC MANAGEMENT 25
common use for doing the same thing, perhaps forty,
fifty, or a hundred ways of doing each act in each
trade, and for the same reason there is a great
variety in the implements used for each class of
work. Now, among the various methods and
implements used in each element of each trade
there is always one method and one implement
which is quicker and better than any of the rest.
And this one best method and best implement can
only be discovered or developed through a scientific
study and analysis of all of the methods and imple-
ments in use, together with accurate, minute, motion
and time study. This involves the gradual substi-
tution of science for rule of thumb throughout the
mechanic arts.
This paper will show that the underlying phi-
losophy of all of the old systems of management in
common use makes it imperative that each work-
man shall be left with the final responsibility for
doing his job practically as he thinks best, with
comparatively little help and advice from the
management. And it will also show that because
of this isolation of workmen, it is in most cases
impossible for the men working under these systems
to do their work in accordance with the rules and
laws of a science or art, even where one exists.
The writer asserts as a general principle (and he
proposes to give illustrations tending to prove the
fact later in this paper) that in almost all of the
mechanic arts the science which underlies each act
of each workman is so great and amounts to so much