The Principles of Scientific Management
Forfatter: Frederick Winslow Taylor
År: 1919
Forlag: Harper & Brothers Publishers
Sted: New York and London
Sider: 144
UDK: 658.01 Tay
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that the workman who is best suited to actually
doing the work is incapable of fully understanding
this science, without the guidance and help of those
who are working with him or over him, either through
lack of education or through insufficient mental
capacity. In order that the work may be done in
accordance with scientific laws, it is necessary that
there shall be a far more equal division of the respon-
sibility between the management and the workmen
than exists under any of the ordinary types of
management. Those in the management whose
duty it is to develop this science should also guide
and help the workman in working under it, and
should assume a much larger share of the respon-
sibility for results than under usual conditions is
assumed by the management.
The body of this paper will make it clear that, to
work according to scientific laws, the management
must take over and perform much of the work which
is now left to the men; almost every act of the work-
man should be preceded by one or more preparatory-
acts of the management which enable him to do his
work better and quicker than he otherwise could.
And each man should daily be taught by and receive
the most friendly help from those who are over him,
instead of being, at the one extreme, driven or
coerced by his bosses, and at the other left to his
own unaided devices.
This close, intimate, personal cooperation between
the management and the men is of the essence of
modern scientific or task management.