The Principles of Scientific Management

Forfatter: Frederick Winslow Taylor

År: 1919

Forlag: Harper & Brothers Publishers

Sted: New York and London

Sider: 144

UDK: 658.01 Tay

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THE PRINCIPLES OF SCIENTIFIC MANAGEMENT 75 “Now. Patrick, you have proved to us that you are a high-priced man. You have been earning every day a little more than $1.85, and you are just the sort of man that we want to have in our ore-shovel- ing gang. A man has come here from Pittsburg, who is offering 4T%- cents per ton for handling ore while we can pay only 3A cents per ton. I think, therefore, that you had better apply to this man for a job. Of course, you know we are very sorry to have you leave us, but you have proved yourself a high-priced man, and we are very glad to see you get this chance of earning more money. Just remember, however, that at any time in the future, when you get out of a job, you can always come right back to us. There will always be a job for a high- priced man like you in our gang here.” Almost, all of the ore handlers took this advice, and went to Pittsburg, but in about six weeks most of them were again back in Bethlehem unloading ore at the old rate of 3Ä cents a ton. The writer had the following talk with one of these men after he had returned: 11 Patrick, what are you doing back here? I thought we had gotten rid of you.” “Well, sir, I’ll tell you how it was. When we got out there Jimmy and I were put on to a car with eight other men. We started to shovel the ore out just the same as we do here. After about half an hour I saw a little devil alongside of me doing pretty near nothing, so I said to him, ‘Why don’t you go to work? Unless we get the ore out