The Principles of Scientific Management

Forfatter: Frederick Winslow Taylor

År: 1919

Forlag: Harper & Brothers Publishers

Sted: New York and London

Sider: 144

UDK: 658.01 Tay

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THE PRINCIPLES OF SCIENTIFIC MANAGEMENT 95 later. A second reason for the inefficiency of profit- sharing schemes had been that no form of coopera- tion has yet been devised in which each individual is allowed free scope for his personal ambition. Personal ambition always has been and will remain a more powerful incentive to exertion than a desire for the general welfare. The few misplaced drones, who do the loafing and share equally in the profits, with the rest, under cooperation are sure to drag the better men down toward their level. Other and formidable difficulties in the path of cooperative schemes are, the equitable division of the profits, and the fact that, while workmen are always ready to share the profits, they are neither able nor willing to share the losses. Further than this, in many cases, it is neither right nor just that they should share either the profits or the losses, since these may be due in great part to causes entirely beyond their influence or control, and to which they do not contribute. To come back to the girls inspecting bicycle balls, however, the final outcome of all the changes was that thirty-five girls did the work formerly done by one hundred and twenty. And that the accuracy of the work at the higher speed was two-thirds greater than at the former slow speed. The good that came to the girls was, First. That they averaged from 80 to 100 per cent, higher wages than they formerly received. Second. Their hours of labor were shortened from 10| to 8| per day, with a Saturday half holiday. And