Information for Yachtsmen
Panama - Pacific International Exposition San Francisco 1915
År: 1915
Sider: 13
Issued January 30, 1914 by the Yachting Bureau.
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Information for Yachtsmen
The Panama-Pacific International Exposition, celebrating as it
does the completion of the Panama Canal, an achievement that means
so much to seafaring men, it is peculiarly appropriate that a regatta
should form one of the most prominent features and the site of the
Exposition on the shores of San Francisco Bay lends itself in a
marked degree to the success of this enterprise.
A regatta for sailing yachts will be held under the auspices of
the Exposition during the three weeks’ period covered by April 5 to
24, 1915, inclusive. The regatta for motor boats will be held in
October, 1915.
The sailing regatta will be open to all yachts owned by mem-
bers of any recognized yacht club, and separate races will be ar-
ranged for under both the international and the universal rules.
There will be no entry fee for yachts desiring to enter any of the
races. A nominal fee will be charged by the official measurer for
measuring the yachts entered.
It is believed by the Exposition management that a 12-meter boat
built under the international rule furnishes one of the best types of
vessel for the principal event of the international races. A yacht of
this size can easily be shipped to San Francisco on the deck of a
steamer and is well adapted to the weather conditions which pre-
vail in San Francisco Bay. Already one entry for the race has been
obtained from Great Britain, and a boat is being built by a syndi-
cate in San Francisco. This type is, therefore, recommended to
yachtsmen who contemplate building for the regatta. Another type
which commends itself is that which is known as the “Sonder class.”
These vessels are built under rules which require that the length
on the water line, plus the extreme beam, plus the extreme draft,
must not exceed 32 feet (9.75 meters) ; the limit of cost for each
boat (including two suits of sails) is fixed at $2400.00, and the total
number of persons on board is three.
While the above types are mentioned as being popular classes,
it is not the intention of the Regatta Committee to limit the num-
ber of races to be sailed, and entries under all classes of both the
international and universal rules will be welcomed.