Om Materialprøvningens Udvikling i Norden
Og om Statsprøveanstaltens Virksomhed
År: 1909
Sted: Kjøbenhavn
Sider: 185
UDK: 6201(09)
On the development of testing of materials in the north and on the work of the danish states testing laboratory in Copenhagen (english translation)
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As it now, as mentioned, was stated that a Swede P. Wurtzius
was the first practical tester of materials I asked Dr. Benedicks,
the well-known physicist at the physical institute of the
university of Upsala to try to procure some more detailed
informations about his supposed compatriot P. Wurtzius. In
the treatise of Fremont there are references to Girard’s work,
mentioned above, and to the fact that the letter from Blondel is
quoted in »Recueil de plusieurs traités de mathématiques par quel-
ques membres de 1’Academie des sciences« in folio 1676 which
however appeared not to be correct, — (see page 110, Note 1 here-
after) .
In November 1908 I got an answer from Dr. Benedicks from
which it appears that he had found out that as far as he could
judge P. Wurtzius was the same as the commander Baron Poul
Würtz (v. Wirtz) one of the most renowned commanders of the
Swedish army. But at the same time it appeared that P. Wurt-
zius was not a native of
October 1612 at Husum
At the same time Dr.
some informations about
Lexikon« (Swedish Biographical Dictionary) and »Nord. Fämilje-
bok« and lo inform me that a biography of him: »Leben und
Thaien des Herrn Paulus v. Wirtzen by Philander v. d. Wei-
stritz (Pseudonym for Christ. Gottl. Menzel) was published in
Copenhagen and Leipzig 17561) (translated from a Dutch origi-
nal biography from 1681). Further Dr. Benedicks advised to
examine the works of Blondel: »Maniére de fortifier les places«
1683 and »L’art de jeter les bombes« 1685, upon which subjects
Blondel might have corresponded, with some result, with Würtz1).
As it thus seemed very likely that the first who had
practised testing of materials was a native Dane I asked Dr.
J. A. Fridericia, Prof, of the University of Copenhagen, to assist
me in closer examining the correctness of this; and he did so
with great readiness.
At the University-Library Prof. Fridericia soon found in
Mémoires de 1’Academie royale des Sciences 1666—99, T. 5 (Pa-
ris 1729, 4to) a series of essays by Blondel under the general
Sweden but was borne on the 30th of
in Sies wie which at that time was
Benedicks was kind enough to give me
Würtz's life taken from »Svensk biogr.
x) Ref. Allgemeine deutsche Biographie XLIV.
2) At any rate there is nothing about it in the first of these treatises.