Om Materialprøvningens Udvikling i Norden
Og om Statsprøveanstaltens Virksomhed

År: 1909

Sted: Kjøbenhavn

Sider: 185

UDK: 6201(09)

On the development of testing of materials in the north and on the work of the danish states testing laboratory in Copenhagen (english translation)

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<■ \ w w/"' • 113 made in the 60ies before a committee probably established be- cause a railway carriage in which King Karl XV happened to be, had run of! the rails because of a break on a wheel-tire. Knut Styffe who ended as chief-director at the royal polytechnical Institute in Stockholm 1897 and who on the international con- gress for testing materials in Stockholm by its president, Prof. v. Tetmajer, was hailed as »the Nestor of the testing of materi- als whose experiments are now classic«, found among other things by his experiments that the many breaks on wheel-tires and rails during the winter for a great part are due to the stiff- ness of the frozen ground. Of later Swedish researches are especially to be mentioned Brinell’s celebrated researches on the changes in the structure of steel by heating and cooling and his at present so much men- tioned test of hardness, Wijkander’s researches on the strength of wood, Sellergreris impact tests and testing of edge tools, Suedelius’, Wahlberg’s and Braune’s tests of iron and steel, Dr. Benedick’s micrographical researches etc. etc. An interesting account of Sweden’s part in the development of testing of materials was given on the international congress for testing materials, »Hållfasthetskongressen« in Stockholm in 1897 in the introduction to the work published by »Jern-Kon- toret«: Festigkeitsproben schwedischer Materialien, Stockholm 1897, (also in Swedish: Hållfasthetsprof å svenska Materialier i. e. testing of Swedish materials). Sweden has now, as known, two testing-laboratories: one at the royal poly technical Institute in Stockholm and another at the Chalmersska Institute in Gothenburg. HI. The Development of the Testing of Materials in Denmark. In Denmark it is, as far as known, Jens Kraft who first wrote at length about testing of materials, in the second volume of his great »Mekanik« 17641). But the testing of materials had already earlier than that found its way to this country. In Carl Bruun: Copenhagen (Kjø- benhavn) III, 1901, p. 48 is mentioned how an »anchor-te- For closer information see »Ingeniøren« 1908 p. 186. ' »rr'.iii