Om Materialprøvningens Udvikling i Norden
Og om Statsprøveanstaltens Virksomhed

År: 1909

Sted: Kjøbenhavn

Sider: 185

UDK: 6201(09)

On the development of testing of materials in the north and on the work of the danish states testing laboratory in Copenhagen (english translation)

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116 of the old there was used a considerable amount of cement which was provided from several German, English and later on also from Danish factories. Already from the year 1858 every ship- load was carefully tested with regard to setting-time, constancy of volume, weight pro litre and strength. The tests of strength during the years 1859—1867 were chiefly tensile tests. Already in 1860 compression-tests were begun, and from 1867 such tests were made side by side with the tensile tests. There was used test-pieces of neat cement and of mortar in different proportions and the tests were extended to 1 å 2 years for each supply so that a good knowledge of the rate of hardening was obtained. In the years from 1858—1873 the tests were made under the direction of Mr. A. J. C. Key per who is now a colonel (born 1833, see fig. 3, page 12). He has given a description of the experi- ments and their results in »Maanedsskrift for techniske Medde- lelser, udgivet af Industriforeningen i Kjøbenhavn« (Monthly Re- view for technical informations, published by »Industriforeningen in Copenhagen«) 8th annual 1873. From 1876—1880 the experiments were made by Mr. A. F. C. C. Andersen at that time a lieutenant (born 1848, dead 1892 as captain, — see fig. 4, page 13) who partly improved the old methods, partly constructed new testing apparatus. The results of his works are to be found in »Den techniske Forenings Tidsskrift« (Journal of the Technical Society) 1877—78 and 1880 —81. It is due to him that already in the earliest Danish specifi- cations for testing of cement (1878) prescriptions are given for the time which by the tensile tests has to pass between the beginning of the test and the fracture. In the Danish specifications for testing of cement of 1889 there was fixed greater dimensions for test-pieces for compression tests than those which hitherto were used by the engineer corps. As the Engineer Corps’s testing laboratory on »Kvintus« was not furnished with testing machines suitable for these its later results are of value only for its own service. The earliest works of the laboratory are of importance because of having led to a proper choice of building-materials for construc- tions of great pecuniar interest. The following works had a cer- tain influence on the development of the cement-manufacturing having at an early time incited the factories to produce the best